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Our Facilities

“We could never have loved the earth so well if we had had no childhood in it” – George Eliot

Daisy Park boasts spacious outdoor play areas surrounded by a large, mature garden which is the central focus of our daily activities and is a feature unique to this local childcare centre.


The central hall at Daisy Park is equipped with a grand piano and our music teacher gets the rhythm and rhyme going to create a cheerful and engaging atmosphere while the children are encouraged to participate through singing, actions, dancing, use of percussion instruments and more! Yoga has also become a popular weekly activity strengthening the mind-body connection from an early age.


Foam, water, bubbles and playdough, rice, spaghetti, toy bugs and sand … these and more are mounted on tuff trays, giving children the opportunity to engage in sensory play and of course, make a mess! The Wendy-house, slides, see-saws and ride-on toys are also a favourite during playtime, and on special occasions on goes the sound system and out comes the bubble machine!


Harvesting of oranges and lemons, watering plants, picking up sticks and stones and jumping in muddy puddles are but a few of the outdoor activities we encourage at Daisy Park. That’s why you must never forget your boots! Its so exciting when we find a caterpillar, snail or butterfly, come and see what you can find! 😊



our ethos

The Daisy Park Way

Every effort is made to foster the confidence and self-expression of the children whilst endeavouring to provide them with an enthusiastic and joyful attitude to obtaining a well-rounded start to their education.


As one of the few activities that stimulates both sides of the brain (logical and creative), music helps build important brain connections increasing one’s ability to think faster! Most importantly though, music is fun and if a child is having fun, that child’s brain is open to learning. At Daisy Park we have a highly qualified music teacher to ensure that the children experience the full benefit music has to offer as part of our weekly programme.

Arts & Crafts

Arts and crafts projects improve the overall muscle strength in hands and fingers, thereby enhancing fine motor skills, manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination. At Daisy Park we believe in the innate drive of children to understand and experience the world through hands-on expression, trial and error, drawing upon each child’s individual imagination and creativity. Monthly themes guide our daily arts and crafts projects.

Outdoor Play

It’s much easier to learn what squish means if you get to feel and hear mud squishing beneath your boots or to understand the concept of melting if you watch ice cubes in the sun! We believe outdoor play gives children the opportunity to widen their sensory experiences and gain an intuitive understanding of how things work. Our mature garden and unique surroundings at Daisy Park greatly facilitate this objective.

After School Hours

Supervision outside school hours is available on demand both on school days and from Monday to Friday during school holidays. The children are kept busy playing, reading, singing and enjoying other activities. This supervision during extra hours can be tailored to suit the schedule of parents.

wealth of experience and passion

Meet the team

The members of staff at Daisy Park all share mutual enthusiasm in providing a healthy and happy school environment which naturally elicits positive attitudes on the part of those entrusted to our care vis-à-vis their further education.

Head of School

Louisa Vella Bardon

A Notary Public by profession, Louisa has always had a keen passion for the education of young children. She has seen Daisy Park evolve since its inception, starting out as St Cecilia’s, and has now applied her passion for the day-care centre, particularly the premises, single-handedly managing the refurbishment and modernisation of the facilities, both indoor and out, and of the school’s image and operation, while retaining its fundamental ethos which has distinguished the school for over 25 years. Louisa’s energy and aptitude to face one challenge after the next means that there will certainly be more surprises in store for Daisy Park … watch this space not to miss out!


Amanda Pace Bonello

Ms Amanda Pace-Bonello grew up in Canada and immigrated back to Malta in 1990 where she went on to study Hotel Management and entered the tourism industry. Fifteen years and two children later, Amanda realised her passion for Early Childhood Education whilst volunteering at her childrens’ schools and decided to embark on a new career. She studied for her Diploma in Early Childhood Education and went on to teach Reception, Kinder 1 and Kinder 2 classes using modern, fun and play-based approaches to encourage children to learn. Amanda went on to further her career prospects and obtained a Diploma in Management in Early Childhood Education. Having previously taught at St Cecilia’s Kindergarten, Amanda returned in 2021 when she joined the Daisy Park team as Manager.

Music Teacher

Josanne Vella Bardon

Mrs Josanne Vella Bardon (nee Tagliaferro) was the principal of Daisy Park (previously St. Cecilia’s Kindergarten) from its inception in 1994 and in July 2021 retired from this post and is now our Music Teacher:). At the age of sixteen Josanne was awarded a three-year Scholarship to pursue her musical studies in London. She played and taught music for several years at a number of local and foreign educational institutions before deciding to start a childcare centre which would engender the social and artistic skills of her young students through her favourite medium – Music! We are so fortunate to have Josanne as part of our team.

Get in touch

We’d love to discuss how we can contribute to your child’s future. Call us or email to arrange a meeting at our premises in Attard.

Monday – Friday, 7.15am – 4.00pm